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Unlock your Climate Story

Every business today needs a robust climate proposition. Do you know how to share yours?

ReGen for the New Gen

Bring your sustainability strategy to life

We'll help you make impact and amplify your message

Whether heading for Net Zero or taking initial steps on a sustainability journey as part of a broader Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) program, every business in today’s market needs a robust climate proposition. 

But how do you bring that to life for team members, clients and suppliers?

It begins with your story. 

Using substance, not spin, Wordstruck will help you align your company’s unique story to strategy and train your team how to share it with an authenticity that suppliers, clients and team members will embrace. 

Some organisations will be starting from the beginning; others will have a strategy which needs to be brought to life as a compelling narrative to motivate & inspire people, customers & investors. 

Which of the 3 programs below would allow you to best address this potential?


Ready for Change Program

The Ready for Change program is for companies starting to address climate change. Customer pressure is there, your people are asking questions. But it’s your children that won’t let up. “What are you doing to save the planet, Mum/Dad?” The business imperative is obvious, but you lack the language &
a clearly defined narrative to bring your people, your customers & your board on the journey.

Act Now Program

The Act Now Program is for teams and businesses wanting to accelerate the good work they are doing. As a leader, you understand that now is the time to do more. You recognise that if business opportunities haven’t already passed you by, they are about to. Using substance, not spin, Wordstruck will help you: step out of your comfort zone and into your courage zone; align your company’s sustainability story to strategy; and train your team how to share it with an authenticity that suppliers, clients and team members will embrace.


Net Zero Program

You’ve set a net zero target, are building it out across your business and are ready to influence your supply chain or tackle stage three emissions. This program helps climate ambitious companies which have already set a net-zero target, go further.Perhaps you've had sustainable solutions embedded for some time, but these are no longer enough. You want to introduce regenerative practices through the organisation. This program helps your people & your customers become active participants in the solution. Together you'll amplify your message, lead your industry and embed your impact.

Why now is the time to act

As we emerge into this post-normal reality, let’s not go back to normal. Let’s go beyond and do better.

If you’re ready to step up as responsible leader and turbo-charge a business recovery, this is your opportunity. The companies that will thrive are those that take the lead to embrace a new vision. One that is more humanistic, more equitable and climate-committed.

There has never been a more urgent time in history.

This is your moment to discover simple ways to enrich the life of your people and the natural environment while elevating your company brand.

You can start from scratch or elevate an existing strategy with the Wordstruck method. If you’re unsure where to start or what you need right now, don’t worry, we will guide you in a short Discovery Conversation. 

It takes bravery to lead in this new era for business and it takes courage to ask for help. If you’re looking for a nudge in the right direction, you’re in the right place.

Whether it’s a Zoom chat or telephone call, together we can explore the best ways to get and your team you inspired.

David Attenborough, January 2020

Through our work we acknowledge the knowledge, stories and ongoing cultural and spiritual relationship that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have with Australia’s land, waters and seas. They are the traditional custodians of this nation.

“The story of our relationship to the earth is written more truthfully on the land than any other page. It lasts there. The land remembers what we said and what we did… We need to unearth the old stories that live in place and begin to create new ones, for we are story makers, not just storytellers.” — Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Wordstruck is a member of CommsDeclare committed to disrupting and positively changing the climate narrative.